Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Church of Mr. T

We are safe and sound in the Chicago Suburbs with a plethora of chips, dip and Grandmotherly love, though sadly no internet. As I write this from a McDonald's (don't ask, it was the closest place with wifi, sigh) with a Kenny G soundtrack, I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas/Chanukah/whatever holiday you celebrate and leave you with a little bit more Mr. T festivity

It's almost like going to mass, almost.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Charming Holiday Traditions

So in the Kelly household we seem to be starting a tradition. One in which we try to travel and are brutally re-buffed by the elements. Once again Mother nature has given us a big ole F-U and kept us in Brooklyn. Thought I have to say the universe isn't a total bitch, we were notified of our flight cancellation at midnight the night before and were able to re-book for later in the weekend. I have a feeling that wouldn't have been the case if we had waited till morning.

But the flight killing storm that rolled through NYC today did seem to kick off the holiday season in my mind. Today was the first time in 8 years I have wanted a Christmas tree, not to mention a little Baileys in hot chocolate. While I ended up with neither I did find this little gem on the internet

that my friends is how the Holidays are done, with a little bit of Mr. T

Sunday, December 14, 2008

But Daddy, I Love Him....*

Because who doesn't want a needle felted mermaid marionette?

*any resemblance to Ariel was completely unintentional and purely a random act of my subconscious. We'll ignore the fact that the husband and I still use a little mermaid alarm clock that plays Under the Sea as the alarm...I'm just saving it for the kid....maybe.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Why so blue, Panda Bear?

This little guy was found in the impulse area of Ikea on our way out today. On our way out with nothing. Let me repeat that, NOTHING. Ikea has failed me for the first time ever and not even the yummy meatballs could cure the disappointment. They didn't even have lamp shades that would work with the lamps we just pulled out of the closet. It was a sad sad retail shopping day. Although I think what really made me sad is the thought of having to claw my way through the Target at Atlantic center for two freaking lamp shades, sigh.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

knitting monogamy

It takes quite the knitting pattern to keep me from straying. I get bored or start re-designing it or just end up knitting something completely different. It's almost never the pattern(I promise beautiful lace hoodie from Interweave, it's me, not you.) I just don't really have the temperament for following directions when it comes to making things. But all that was out the window when I started the Fiddlehead Mittens. They have become a sort of knit-a-long at Brooklyn General and I figured, eh why not, I've never knit mittens or fair isle. Lets just say I am a huge fan of both now.

Oh Fiddleheads, the fact that you were able to keep my attention through not one but two pieces of knitting and I still like you enough to knit you again, well It speaks very highly of you.

I am also ridiculously in love with the inside of the mittens. Having never done fair isle I am amazed at how pretty it looks on the back side.

see look

Isn't it the prettiest thing you've ever seen? Well maybe not the prettiest but between my enthusiasm for fair isle and my new love of Malibrigo I might be a little biased.

PS sorry for the crappy iphone photos my camera cord is apparently on some top-secret government mission at the moment.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Introductions are in order

Why hello there, long time no post huh? well I do have an excuse this time that is fairly legit, I'd like to introduce Spider-Man the 1st/Princess Bunnycakes VonCutenstein.

Spidey/bunnycakes is 12 weeks old and finally letting his/her mother go an entire day with out wanting to dry heave all over Brooklyn. Needless to say we are ecstatic here in the McKenzie/Kelly household about the kid and the lack of dry heaving.

That also means many a project has been started for the the kid and with any luck could be finished by their 12th birthday. Fingers crossed.

Project updates soon....girl scouts honor..wait was that three fingers or four?

mmmm.....magic bacon

One of the many many reasons I love my friend Wendy,